Food & Drink
Our photographer Nadège Mériau was commissioned to collaborate with artist Quentin Jones on this fantastic Green & Black’s campaign.
The brief was to create emotive powerful images that capture the raw visceral nature of the ingredients and with authentic taste appeal that hit one of our most primal instincts: To salivate!
This was music to Nadège’s ears, her passion for shooting things ‘close up and beautiful’ is what she does best!!
Shooting this in the early days of Covid Lockdown was tricky, we had to work with a minimal team from Nadège’s home.
We teamed up with 3D Studios and Juicy Fruits to model make what we couldn’t source and collected together some beautiful raw ingredients, cocoa pods and nibs, almonds in and out of their shell, on a branch and still in their husk, vanilla and of course chocolate!